Meet Our Liability Experts
GCCS Clams Management is excited to introduce you to our senior team of liability staff who have the experience and knowledge needed in today’s liability and litigation environment. Read More

Legislative Update To Appraisals For Hail Damage
The most recent publication from the National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters (NAIIA) provides great information regarding legislative updates in our industry. For instance, the U.S. District Court in Illinois concluded if a property is damaged anywhere by hail, all parts of the property are subject to appraisal for hail damage. If the vents are dented by hail, but damage to...Read More

Celebrating The Women Of GCCS
On International Women’s Day, we’re excited to celebrate all the women on the GCCS Claims Management team and we are proud to partner with these highly experienced, strong women. The GCCS family salutes you today and every day – thank you for your many contributions and for sharing your talents with us. Read More

Meet Dwayne & Chris In Orlando at WSIA’s Underwriting Summit
If you are attending the WSIA (Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association)’s Underwriting Summit in Orlando from March 13-16, be on the lookout for Dwayne Ellis (Dwayne.Ellis@gulfcoastclaims.com) and Chris Leal (Chris.Leal@gulfcoastclaims.com) or email them to schedule a time to meet. Dwayne and Chris would love the opportunity to share how GCCS Claims Management can support your...Read More

Congratulations to Mike Kliebert on 29 Years with GCCS
Mike Kliebert is celebrating his 29th anniversary with GCCS Claims Management this year! With three decades of experience, Mike has become a go-to for subrogation claims for both Lloyd’s and domestic insurers,. He also handles claims related to Personal and Commercial Property as well as Replacement Cost and Deductible Buy-Back claims. Please join us in congratulating Mike on reaching...Read More

Happy President’s Day
We honor and salute all who have dedicated their lives to public service. Happy President’s Day! Read More

GCCS Has A Longstanding History Serving The London Insurance Market
Our CEO Jim Michalek loves to reminisce about how GCCS Claims Management started working in the London market in the 1990’s and why it still holds such a special place for him and our company today. Lloyd’s business is rooted in building personal, trusting relationships, which is exactly why we love working with our friends and colleagues in London. Jim recalls having coffee with a...Read More

Meet The Generals: Let GCCS Be Your Boots On The Ground
GCCS Clams Management is proud to spotlight our team of General Adjusters: ► John Andres, CPCU, National General Adjuster, is responsible for the entire U.S. markets► Calvin Page, Regional General Adjuster, covers the south Texas and Louisiana regions► Joel Dahlvig, Regional General Adjuster, covers the north Texas and Oklahoma regions Each of our General Adjusters has...Read More

GCCS Welcomes Calvin Page
GCCS Claims Management is excited to welcome Calvin Page to the team! Calvin brings 13 years of experience in the insurance industry. He joins us as a Senior Property Adjuster who will handle complex commercial and homeowner property claims. Click here learn more about Calvin or send him a message to introduce yourself. Read More

Johnny Michalek Celebrates 41 Years With GCCS
It’s hard to believe it’s been 41-years. Congratulations to our President Johnny Michalek on your anniversary with GCCS Claims Management. We are incredibly lucky to have Johnny at the helm of the ship. Johnny joined the family business in 1981 alongside his father Jim Michalek and has served as a strong leader through the years. Over the past four decades of serving the U.S. and London...Read More