Meet GCCS’s Bordereaux Management Experts
At GCCS, our goal is to help you manage your delegated authority business more efficiently. Our expert Bordereaux Maintenance team is well versed in London protocols and can manage the entire process for you, so your team has time to focus on other priorities.Contact Norma Michalek or Kathy Kuras to learn how we can support you. Read More

GCCS Celebrates 59-Year Anniversary
It’s our 59th anniversary and we can’t believe it! We know we wouldn’t be here without our clients, colleagues, and friends – thanks to each of you for trusting us and contributing to our growth.Our family founded GCCS Claims Management in 1963 with just 2 people. We’ve since expanded to a team of over 25 long-tenured employees that have been dedicated to the growth of our family’s business....Read More

GCCS Can Support Your Appraisal Process
GCCS Claims Management’s Joel Dahlvig recently attended the Property and Liability Resource Bureau’s Claims Conference, where he networked with old friends and met new colleagues in the insurance adjusting field.GCCS adjusters specialize in handling Residential and Commercial Appraisals in the state of Texas and throughout the U.S. and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help...Read More

Norma Michalek Promoted To Executive Vice President
We’re incredibly proud to announce Norma Michalek has been promoted to Executive Vice President at GCCS Claims Management.Norma joined the family business on October 5, 2005 and began her career with GCCS in the clerical department. She was quickly managing a moderate bordereaux operation and over the years has grown her team of bordereaux maintenance and production professionals considerable...Read More

Dwayne Ellis Promoted To President
It is with tremendous pride that GCCS Claims Management shares the promotion of Dwayne Ellis to President.Dwayne began his career with GCCS on October 22, 2001, as a liability adjuster. Through the years, he has risen to the positions of Claims Supervisor, Claims Manager, and Executive Vice President. In his new role, Dwayne will be active in the everyday management of GCCS operations...Read More

Congratulations to Dwayne & Norma
It is with tremendous pride and pleasure that GCCS announces the elevation of Dwayne Ellis to the position of President and Norma Michalek to the position of Executive Vice President, effective April 1, 2022. Dwayne began his career with GCCS on October 22, 2001 as a liability adjuster. Through the years, he has risen to the positions of Claims Supervisor, Claims Manager, and Executive...Read More

Connect With GCCS At NAIIA’s National Conference in Tucson
If you are attending the National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters NAIIA’s National Conference in May, be sure to connect with Dwayne Ellis (dwayne.ellis@gulfcoastclaims.com) and Norma Michalek (norma.michalek@gulfcoastclaims.com) to find a time to meet in Tucson. You can email them or send them a LinkedIn message. Read More

WSIA’s Underwriting Summit in Orlando
Dwayne Ellis and Chris Leal attended WSIA (Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association)’s Underwriting Summit in Orlando last month. It was a productive week of networking and discussing how GCCS can better serve the Lloyd’s market as a DCA. We enjoyed spending time with industry colleagues and friends from Decus Insurance Brokers Limited, Chartwell Law, Liberty, Aegis, and Subro...Read More

Meet Johnny, Calvin & Joel At PLRB’s Claims Conference
GCCS is excited to attend the Property and Liability Resource Bureau (PLRB) Claims Conference in San Antonio this week. We’ve already enjoyed hearing from Mark Sanborn about “The Art of Connection” and are looking forward to more great sessions and networking throughout the week. Johnny Michalek, Calvin Page, and Joel Dahlvig are attending from GCCS and would welcome the opportunity to...Read More

Congratulations To Cory Andres On 5 Years With GCCS
We are celebrating Cory Andres’ 5-year anniversary with GCCS Claims Management. Cory handles all types of property and liability claims but specializes in homeowners and commercial property claims. He is a Haag Certified Inspector in Residential Roofs and is currently pursuing his CPCU designation. Congratulations, Cory! Thanks for all you do for GCCS and our clients. Read More